week 2

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6 Responses to week 2

  1. sam holden says:

    Realy good poems, I like it keep it up.
    my mum likes them they are so good.
    I look at the blog every day and there is nothing better
    on here ever ever!

  2. Angela+Lottie :) says:

    Lottie: I think they’re all beautiful, everyone worked very hard
    Angela: I think that the river Poems and Posters have a lot of thought put into them
    They’re all Fabouls!!

  3. Angela and Lottie says:

    Sorry spelt Fabulous wrong!!!!:(

  4. ManPower says:

    Great River Poems! I think Trent put a lot of work into themAnd Good River Poems♥:)☺☻

  5. Rahavan RR says:

    Poems are fab! It is really interesting!!

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