Tesco complaints!

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5 Responses to Tesco complaints!

  1. kugaa says:

    I hope Tesco improves their shop using your improvements. I think you could add more pictures! Splendid blog.

  2. khant says:

    that is very true but Tesco is my favourite store so please don’t critisise them too much!Please do not think this as an offence as your blog is very well worded.Well done:)

  3. bastm says:

    Thank you kugaa, I will add some more pictures!

  4. sentr says:

    Well structured blog and interesting complaints however i still agree with Kugaa, that there should be more pictures explaining what you mean in each paragraph.

  5. ocraz says:

    Fantastic blog however next time you could add an introduction . I agree with the bread point as I have seen it myself too.

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