Westbourne Chronicle 8th March

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28 Responses to Westbourne Chronicle 8th March

  1. Emily R says:

    Jacqueline Wilson writes books for kids about real life situations.

  2. kimy says:

    Where did you find that jawbone???!!!
    TELL ME! TELL ME!!! HH’MM!!??

  3. obril1 says:

    this brings back so many memories and friends and i love this school . I never want to leve.

  4. degia says:

    that looks so fun

  5. lic says:

    The River Thames was fun!

  6. kimr says:

    Bob was a girl who saved and married a prince

  7. Arshiya says:

    Beyond the clifs,the sea looked like a million gems

  8. HI says:

    Why not enter… you might be in for a surprise!

  9. E.Rogers says:

    Ben bolted into a brick wall and burnt his bottom.

  10. podmc says:

    Loki was mischievous, but had a sign of meaningful love.


  11. Arshiya S says:

    The River Thames was a complete blast

  12. Arshiya S says:

    It looks and feels amazing

  13. Ishita year 5 Derwent class says:

    How about interview Mr Miracapillo? Did you already interview him?

  14. Selena H says:

    Shrek was an ogre who saved and married a princess.

  15. Arshiya sing says:

    I loved the River Thames

  16. rizvm says:

    I loved River Thames, it made me feel like that I was a real archaeologist.

  17. Diya says:

    That is amazing!

  18. Evan says:

    A hunter got trapped in his own net and died.


  19. Aisha D says:

    Once there was a unicorn and she had magical wings.

  20. Raabia says:

    Noah built an ark to protect his people from flooding.

  21. Raabia says:

    Britain wanted to leave the EU but couldn’t leave her.

  22. Arshiya S says:

    I loved it!

  23. verna1 says:

    One day there lived a princess in a gorgeous castle.

  24. verna1 says:

    One day a dragon came roaring to the beautiful castle.

  25. verna1 says:

    On one summers day there lived a cruel, wicked witch.

  26. verna1 says:

    The crooked witch!

    On one gloomy evening a witch cast spells on princesses

    This is for the competition

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