Week 4

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10 Responses to Week 4

  1. Mr Regan says:

    These are very impressive. I am looking forward to seeing the completed Anderson shelters.

  2. Esme says:

    They look great I can’t wait to finish my one on Monday after half term. Looking forward to it.

  3. Jasmine says:

    I loved making the Anderson shelters even though I got burnt
    by a glue gun…a few times.

  4. Niamh says:

    Those Christmas Fair designs look very good.Good luck!

  5. Karima says:

    These Anderson shelters look really awesome even if they are not finished and I can’t wait to finish my one!

  6. Tanya says:

    Those Anderson shelters look amazing, I’m sure your all having a great time making them

  7. max says:

    i love my anderson shelter they are awesome

  8. Eshal says:

    Those anderson shelters look great I can’t wait to see them once they’re finished.

  9. Louise says:

    My teams Anderson shelter is the one to the right.I think it looks better when it’s finished. What about you?

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