Westbourne Chronicle 17th March

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47 Responses to Westbourne Chronicle 17th March

  1. Arthur says:

    My joke
    what happened to the the lime when it got tired?

    It ran out of juice.

  2. Daniella Williams says:

    What does Batman have in his drinks ?


  3. Daniella Williams says:

    My friend bet me a hundred dollars I couldn’t build a car out of spaghetti.

    She was very shocked when I drove pasta

  4. Daniella Williams says:

    Knock. Knock.

    Who’s There ?

    Brittany Spears.

    Brittany Spears who ?

  5. ganea says:

    I have two jokes. My first one is:
    What time do you go to the dentist?
    Tooth hurting!

    My second one is:
    What do you call a monkey’s favourite ice cream?
    Chocolate Chimp!

  6. Emily Rogers says:

    I really love this blog and can’t wait to see it grow

  7. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    What do you call a lion and a photo copier

    a copy cat!!!!

  8. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    Why don’t you give Elsa a balloon???

    Because she will just ‘let it go!!!’

  9. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    What did the pencil say to the other pencil???

    Your looking sharp!!!

  10. JAKE says:

    when I went to a party I fell asleep. OH DEAR.

  11. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    Why did the picture go to jail???

    Because it was framed!!!

  12. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    What do you get when you cross a fish and an elephant????


  13. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    What happed to the dog who ate a fire-fly???

    It barked with de-light!!!

  14. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    What do you get when you cross a cow and a duck????

    Milk and quakers!!!

  15. Rudolph Wellington-Sanful says:

    What did the Haribo say to the Malteaser in school?

    I wish i was a Smartie!!!

  16. thavk says:

    What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

    Answer:Nacho cheese!
    Explanation:Not your cheese!

    Get it!

  17. Kajeen Thavaneshan says:

    What do you call cheese that isn’t yours?

    Answer:Nacho cheese!

    (Not your cheese!)

  18. Tharanihan Thavaneshan says:

    Q1:What did the number 0 say to the number 8?

    Answer:Nice belt!

  19. Kajeen Thavaneshan says:

    Where do pencils go for vacation?


  20. Tharanihan Thavaneshan says:

    Q1: How do you make a tissue dance?

    Answer:Put a little boogie in it!

    Q2: What did the number 0 say to the number 8?

    Answer:Nice belt

  21. Carys Dyer says:

    joke – how do you get Pikchu on the bus = you pokemon

  22. Carys Dyer says:

    what is the most gross pokemon = pikchu

  23. humpm says:

    How do you organise a space party?

    You planet

  24. humpm says:

    How do you make a tissue dance?

    Put some boogie in it

  25. humpm says:

    What do you call BatMan once he has been run over by car?


  26. kimg says:

    what did the police say to its tummy

    freeze you’re under a vest

  27. kimg says:

    good blog dudes do more thanks for the news

  28. polil says:

    why do seagulls fly around the sea?

    because if they flew around the bay they would be BAGELS

  29. HARVEY says:

    why cant you play games in a jungle………………………………………………………………

  30. kimg says:

    The Westbourne Chronicle is awesome

  31. HARVEY says:


  32. Tharanihan Thavaneshan says:

    What did the police say to his belt?
    Freeze!You’re under arrest!

  33. bansa says:

    What snake is good at maths?
    An adder
    What do you call a boy named Lee that no one talks to?
    What do you call a boy named Lee that no one talks to?
    It over swept
    Why did do bicycles fall over?
    Because they are two-tired!

  34. Evan Dave says:

    My joke is:

    Can you count 1 2 3?

    No! You said 1 TOO 3!

  35. kara says:

    what is hard to catch the faster you run?

    your breath

  36. hedgi says:

    My joke

    Why did the skeleton not go to the ball?

    Because he had no body to go with.

  37. Jake Watson says:

    This is a joke where did the cow go I don’t no to the mooooovies

  38. Prithvi Jeyaraj says:

    i loved red nose day because we get to were RED CLOTHES YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  39. benjamin says:

    What happened when one copy cat jumped of the boat?

    The other copy cats copied him! 😉

  40. philp1 says:

    cool people

  41. thota says:

    Didn’t go to TYM cos of 11+ test. How was it? Apparently there was a seal.
    When did the year 6 bloggers interview Miss Craig and Mr Booth? After school or during playtimes?
    Is blogging hard? Does it take a lot of time? Do you like it?
    -to year 6 bloggers.
    Sorry for a ton of questions:)

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