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12 Responses to TOP SECRET

  1. appij says:

    Awesome work and it is CLASSIFIED! by an kind EPIC person

  2. kalaa says:

    I like how you’ve made it out to look like a SERIOUS document.

  3. colga says:

    That is so creepy but awesome

  4. gowed says:

    really cool blog give me the shivers#epic

  5. gatef says:

    looks cool

  6. farls says:

    I loved it the lay out was amazing(I enjoyed it) very scary where do you get your great ideas you have true whit

  7. howac says:

    WOW! That is soooo amazing! it is very detailed and good story!

  8. tarie says:

    You scared me so much i’m scared of going to Sutton ever again.

  9. aruns says:

    Thank you, I am now a top secret spy…!

  10. halle says:

    I really love how it’s a top secret document! Very original. 😀

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